CSCI 151 - Lab 4


In this lab, we will write classes encapsulating a 2D array, write Enums, testing them with JUnit, and use a Stack to create and solve mazes.



  1. Download the skeleton for this project.
  2. Unpack the code into a new Eclipse Java project.


The puzzles inherent in generating a maze and solving a maze lie at the heart of some very interesting problems in computer science. Most obvious might be using Google Maps to find directions from one location to another.

In this lab, you will create the necessary data structures to represent a maze computationally, allowing a user to wander through the maze toward a goal, and then later implement algorithms to generate and solve mazes.

To start, run the code in MazeApp. After you click on "Reset Maze", you should see the GUI layout here.

The Clear/Fill selection allows a user to manually create a maze on the screen. This will be completed by you in steps 1 and 2 of this lab, and augmented in step 3. The Place Explorer and Place Goal selections will be implemented in step 4, which will also incorporate the movement buttons Left, Forward and Right, found on the bottom of the screen. Steps 5 and 6 will implement code for the Randomize and Solve buttons.

There are two important elements already present in the code for this project


This enum records the state of a Cell in the Maze. A cell can be OPEN, CLOSED, or VISITED. Each cell knows its color, what state of the cell should occur when the cell is flipped, and if it can be entered by an Explorer.


This class keeps track of an x and y coordinate. It has an accessor method for each of these two variables, and can determine if it is adjacent or equal to another Position.

Step 1 - Maze

The core storage of the pathways and walls in the maze is in the Maze class. It holds a 2D array of Cells as the only field.

Step 1.1 - Implementation

You will need to write code for the following methods.

Step 1.2 - Testing

Run the MazeTest suite, and ensure your above methods are passing these tests.

Step 2 - Puzzle

The Puzzle class is our central model for this program. It will hold a Maze, an Explorer, and a Position to represent the Goal in our maze. In this step, you will complete the code for interacting with the Maze.

Step 2.1 - Implementation

You will need to write code for the following methods.

Step 2.2 - Testing

Run the PuzzleTest suite, and ensure your above methods are passing these tests.

Step 2.3 - GUI

Now, run the MazeApp class, and test out your code with the GUI. You should be able to select squares and open and close pathways in the maze.

Step 3 - Avoiding Rooms

We can add a restriction on the ability of the user to create mazes with large rooms. A room is defined as any four OPEN Cells that form a 2x2 square.

Uncomment code labeled for this step in

Step 3.1 - Direction

You will add the implementations for the getClockwise, getCounterClockwise and getRotation methods of the Direction enum. Use the standard compass rose to map each Direction to its clockwise and counterclockwise neighbor. For the rotation, you should return the angle in degrees for each orientation, where SOUTH is at 0 degrees, WEST is 90, NORTH is 180, and EAST is -90.

Step 3.2 - Direction Testing

Verify that your Direction is working with the DirectionTest suite.

Step 3.3 - Maze Updates

In the Maze class, implement the following method

Step 3.4 - Puzzle Updates

You will need to update your clear method of the Puzzle. It should now be the case that the only Cells that can be cleared are those in the Maze that will not cause a room to be formed.

Step 3.5 - Testing

Test out your code with the MazeTest and PuzzleTest suite.

Step 3.6 - GUI

Run the GUI to interact with your code.

Step 4 - Explorer and Goal

Uncomment code labeled for this step in

The Explorer code is completed for you, and an Explorer can move around the maze an look ahead according to their internal Position and Direction. There are three pieces of code we will need to complete for the Explorer and Goal portions of the Puzzle class.

Step 4.1 - Update Maze

Write a new method for Maze.

public int numOpenNeighbors(Position p)

This method returns the number of neighbors for a given position that are open. This does not include the given position, only its four neighbors, one in each Direction.

Step 4.2 - Move

Fill in the code for the Move enum. Create three elements, FORWARD, LEFT and RIGHT. Add two abstract methods for newPosition and newDirection as shown below, and then provide an implementation for each of the three directions.

Step 4.3 - Move Testing

Verify that your Move is working with the MoveTest suite.

Step 4.4 - Puzzle Explorer

More methods are now required in the Puzzle class. Complete the implementation of the following methods.

Step 4.5 - Puzzle Goal

Finally, add two more methods to Puzzle to allow for a Goal Position to be placed in the Puzzle.

Step 4.6 - Puzzle Testing

Verify that your Puzzle is working with the PuzzleTest suite.

Step 4.7 - GUI

Run the GUI to interact with your code.

Step 5 - Creating Random Mazes

Uncomment code labeled for this portion in First, you will be creating random mazes by implementing the tunnelRandomly function. You will use the randomDirections method of Direction.

public void tunnelRandomly()

Create a stack of Positions, and push (0,0) onto the stack.

While the stack still has Positions:

Step 6 - Solving Mazes

Uncomment code labeled for this portion in Finally, you will write an algorithm to solve a maze with the solve method.

public Trail solve()

If there is no Explorer in the maze or no Goal in the maze, then return null.

Create a stack of Trails, and push the Trail starting at the Explorer's position onto the stack.

While the stack still has potential Trails, and you have not reached the goal:

What to Hand In

Submit your,, and implementations, along with any additional files you created for your implementations.


Cumulative ProgressPoints Earned
Step 18
Step 210
Step 313
Step 415
Step 517
Step 619
Finish all six steps and submit a screenshot of a 20x20 maze you have created.20

© Mark Goadrich, Gabriel Ferrer, Hendrix College