CSCI 151 - Lab 9


This lab will:



If we want to maintain a sorted list of items, from what we have seen so far we have two options:

A skip list is an intriguing structure which combines the benefits of both approaches, and allows us to keep a sorted list such that all operations (lookup, insert, remove) take \(O(\lg n)\) time.

Fundamentally, a skip list is like a normal (singly) linked list, but with extra links added that "skip" over parts of the list. These extra links mean we can avoid having to iterate through every single node when looking for something in the list: we can start by taking very big hops in the list until the next big hop would take us beyond what we are looking for; then we take slightly smaller hops; and so on.

For example, the image above illustrates a skip list containing the numbers \(1\) through \(10\). Suppose we are looking for \(8\). We start at the node marked "head", at the topmost level, i.e. level 3 (the bottom level is level \(0\)). Following the topmost link takes us to the node containing \(1\), which is smaller than \(8\), so we continue searching. The next link on the top level would take us beyond the end of the list (i.e. it is null, shown as NIL in the above picture), so we don't follow it. Instead, we stay on the node containing \(1\) and move down one level, to level 2. Now, we follow links on level 2 as long as the items we encounter are less than \(8\): the first link takes us to the node containing \(4\); another step takes us to \(6\); then the next step would take us past the end of the list, so we stop and move down to level \(1\). On level \(1\), the next step would take us to \(9\), which is too big. So instead we move down again to level \(0\), and then follow links to \(7\) and finally to \(8\). The point is to notice how we were able to find \(8\) without ever having to look at the nodes containing \(2\), \(3\), or \(5\).

How do we determine how "tall" each node should be? The answer is: by flipping a coin! Each time we create a node, we randomly decide how tall it should be by flipping a coin and seeing how many times in a row the coin comes up heads. We then add one level for each coin toss that came up heads. Every node has height at least \(1\); and then it has a 1/2 chance of having height at least \(2\); a 1/4 chance of having height at least \(3\); a 1/8 chance of height at least \(4\); and so on. So on average, we expect that at each level there will be half as many nodes as the previous level. Conversely, on the very top level, we expect to find only one or two nodes, so each step will cover about half the list; on the next level down, each step between nodes will cover about 1/4 the list; and so on. Thus, we expect searching for a given node to take \(O(\lg n)\) steps on average. As we will see, we also expect adding a new node to take \(O(\lg n)\) steps on average: we can find the right location for it in \(O(\lg n)\), just as with a sorted array, but then we can quickly add it just by shifting pointers around.


  1. Download the skeleton for this project.
  2. Unpack the code into a new Eclipse Java project.
  3. Add in the JUnit library to your project settings if necessary.

Step 1: SkipNode

The first step is to make a generic SkipNode<E> class to represent single nodes in our skip list. Each node should contain two fields:

Add the following methods to your SkipNode class:

Each of these methods should only be a few lines of code at most. If they are longer than that, you are doing something wrong.

Step 2: Locating

We are now ready to start implementing skip lists. I have provided some starter code in; you will be filling in some of the important methods.

To cut down on the number of special cases we have to deal with, note that a skip list will always start with a "dummy" or "sentinel" SkipNode which contains no data. (This dummy node has already been created for you in the SkipList constructor.) This way, front itself never needs to point to a different node; we can just change the references in the dummy node just as we would with any other node. In addition, we can ensure that the dummy node is always as tall as the tallest node in the remainder of the list, so we can start at the highest level just by looking at the height of the initial dummy node.

The first step is to implement the locate method, which performs the important task of looking for a given data item. It should work very similarly to the process described in the introduction: it starts following links in the top level, and keeps moving down level by level while staying to the left of the node being searched for. However, it returns more than just return the data itself: in particular, it returns a stack of references to nodes encountered during its search. On top of the stack is the last node encountered at level 0; the next item in the stack is the last node encountered at level 1 (i.e. the last node we were on before deciding to move down to level 0); the next item is the last node encountered at level 2; and so on.

We can use this locate method and its stack of previous nodes to implement many other methods---in fact, locate is used to implement all the other methods such as add, lookup, and remove.

Here is how locate should work:

You won't really be able to test your implementation yet---keep going to the next step!

Step 3: Adding

Step 3a: Implementation

In order to add a new item to the skip list, we begin by using locate to find the place where it should go.

Next, we decide how tall to make the new node using coin flips. To simulate a "coin flip" you can call Math.random(), and make a new node if the value returned is less than 0.5.

Here is how insertSkipListNode should work:

Finally, create an add method which takes an item of type E as a parameter. It should first call locate, and then call insertSkipListNode with the returned stack of nodes. Don't forget to increment the size too!

Step 3b: Testing

You should now be able to test your implementation. Run the unit tests in SkipListTest. It should pass testAdd() and testHeight(). Note that testHeight() may require a few seconds to complete.

You can also test your code using the GUI visualizer. Run SkipListApp. You can add elements to your SkipList and see them visualized on the interface. Here is an example of a string it may display:

D : d n r r 
d : k | | | 
k : n | | | 
n : p r | | 
p : r | | | 
r : t u u / 
t : u | | | 
u : v z / | 
v : z | | | 
z : / / | | 

Note that the list is displayed "sideways", with the lowest layer at the left and the top layer to the right.

Each row corresponds to a node in the SkipList, with the data stored in the node listed at the left. D represents the "dummy" node at the front of the list, which does not store any data. To the right of the colon you can see how tall each node is; each number shows the data contained in the node the link at that level points to. So, for example, from the row

r : t u u /
We can see that this is a node containing the data value r; at level 0 it points to t (the very next node); at levels 1 and 2 it points to the node containing u. The frontslash (/) represents an empty node. For example:
z : / / | |
shows a node containing z with height 2. Both of its forward pointers are empty. That could change if otehr values are inserted later.

Step 4: Lookup and Remove

Now add lookup and remove methods.

(Remember that this is useful because toFind and the data item might not be exactly identical, even though they are .equal---for example, we could implement a dictionary using a SkipList of Associations, which are .equal as long as their keys are.)

Step 5: Evaluation

Experiment with SkipListApp for a while. Create 3 skiplists each of sizes 8, 16, and 32, for a total of 9 skiplists. For each skiplist, copy the string version of the list into your document. Then answer these questions:

What to Hand In

Submit and, as well as your evaluation document.


20 points total:
Cumulative ProgressPoints Earned
Step 110
Step 212
Step 315
Step 417
Step 520

© Brent Yorgey, Gabriel Ferrer, Hendrix College