CSCI 235 - Intelligent Robotics

Spring 2017

Project #1: Introduction to Java and leJOS

Sample Programs



  1. With a two-wheeled robot, three different styles of turns are possible. What are the three styles? For each style, in what situations is it beneficial? Detrimental? Support your answers with evidence from experimenting with your robots.
  2. What is the minimum and maximum useful distance for the ultrasonic sensor? In what situations does it work well? When might it work poorly?
  3. When creating an obstacle-avoiding robot that uses the ultrasonic sensor, what is the minimum distance at which to begin a safe turn? This value may vary depending upon the turning style; be sure to specify a value for each one.
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of obstacle avoidance using only touch sensors? Only ultrasonic sensors? How much better is avoidance when using both together? Support your answer with observations of your robot.
  5. What numerical metrics are appropriate for quantifying the performance of an obstacle-avoiding robot? How are they measured? How do they conform with our intuitions?
  6. How did you employ your metrics to iteratively create your best obstacle-avoiding robot?
  7. Is your best obstacle-avoiding robot intelligent? Why or why not?