CSCI 235 - Intelligent Robotics

Spring 2017

Project #6: Image Matching

Image Matching

To determine whether a robot recognizes a given image, we can calculate the distance between a currently viewed image and a reference image. A lower distance implies a higher similarity between the images. Two examples of distance metrics are:
  1. Threshold each image into a binary image. Perform an exclusive-or operation on the images. The number of bits in the resulting image is the distance.
  2. Calculate the sum-of-squared-differences between each corresponding pixel in each image. This sum is the distance.


The library files are in This includes all of the library files from the previous assignments.

Sample Program

The sample program is in


Implement three programs that use image matching:


  1. For each program, devise a metric for its performance on its task. How well did each program perform? Feel free to experiment with different parameter settings to optimize performance. Be sure to discuss the most useful parameter settings in your report and presentation.
  2. How did the thresholded matcher perform in comparison with the SSD matcher? For each program, you are welcome to use either one, but you should experiment with both in at least one program to compare their efficacy.
  3. What combinations of techniques did you find most useful in completing each of your tasks? Why?