CSCI 235 - Intelligent Robotics

Spring 2017

Project #8: Real-time Learning


The library files are in This includes all of the library files from the previous assignments.

Sample Programs

The sample programs are in


Implement three programs that use real-time learning:


  1. For each program, devise a metric for its performance on its task. How well did each program perform? Feel free to experiment with different parameter settings to optimize performance. Be sure to discuss the most useful parameter settings in your report and presentation.
  2. What was a good balance between the number of nodes, the amount of image shrinkage, and the cycle time for each of your applications? Why?
  3. Compare and contrast the use of this real-time learning module and Q-learning. What are some advantages and disadvantages of each approach?
  4. What combinations of techniques did you find most useful in completing each of your tasks? Why?