CSCI 250 - SQL Overview

Data types


The WHERE clause: The ORDER BY clause:


A join is a query involving multiple tables simultaneously. In SQL, some additional syntax is needed to give the database the necessary cues to perform an efficient query.

Here is an example of a two-step query without a join:

SELECT StudentID FROM NameTable WHERE FirstName = 'John' AND LastName = 'Doe'
In the example tables, this returns 123. Once we know this, we issue a followup query as follows:
SELECT Course FROM CourseTable WHERE StudentID = 123

Now we can see how to issue a single query to obtain this information by using a join:

SELECT CourseTable.Course 
   FROM CourseTable, NameTable 
   WHERE NameTable.FirstName = 'John' 
      AND NameTable.LastName = 'Doe'
      AND NameTable.StudentID = CourseTable.StudentID


Without an index, the database will perform an O(n) search through a column when performing queries. Indexing can accelerate search substantially, but indexes can only be created manually.

Indices are typically created along with the table. The syntax is as follows:

CREATE TABLE TableName (Field1 type, Field2 type, ... FieldN type, INDEX indexName (FieldX), ...)
The index name is optional. All data types can be indexed. CHAR indices can be restricted to index on a prefix by putting a length in parentheses. For example, the following will create an index that looks at the first five characters of the last name:
CREATE TABLE NameTable (StudentID INTEGER, LastName TEXT, FirstName TEXT, INDEX ByLast(LastName(5)))