CSCI 280 - Algorithms and Problem Solving Paradigms

Spring 2010

Project 2: Random Graphs


Many computer scientists and mathematicians study random graphs. The most commonly studied type of random graph is the following: Given an integer n and a probability p, we generate a graph by creating n vertices and connecting each pair of vertices (u, v) with probability p. For example, given three vertices a, b, and c, and

= 0.5, we'd flip a coin to decide whether to connect a and b, a second flip to decide whether to connect b and c, and a third flip to decide whether to connect a and c. One of eight possible graphs would result, each with equal probability. A component of a graph is a subset of the vertices that are all connected to one another. The diameter of a graph is the maximum distance between two vertices in any of the graph's components. For a given graph size n, we can calculate the average number of components and the average diameter by generating every possible graph, determining the values for each graph, and averaging. For large values of n, this is unrealistic; hence, we can generate a number of random graphs as a means of approximating these averages.


Write a program to create random undirected graphs. The program should take as arguments values for n and p, as well as the number of random graphs to generate. The program will report the average number of components and the average diameter. Run the program for n = 9, n = 36, and n = 144. For each value of n, run the program to generate 100 random graphs. For each of these combinations, run the program with p = 0.1, p = 0.2, p = 0.3, and so forth up to p = 0.9. From this data, you will produce two Cartesian graphs, using spreadsheet software or something similar. Each graph will have the value for p as the x-axis. The first graph will have the average number of components as the y-axis; the other graph will have the average diameter as the y-axis. Each graph should contain one curve for each value of n. Make two more runs of the above configurations, one with 50 random graphs, the other with 500 random graphs. Create two Cartesian graphs for each of these configurations as well.

Text Document

Write a brief report discussing your results.