CSCI 420 - Operating Systems and Concurrency
Spring 2017
Final Project
Each student will undertake a final
project that explores a concept from this course in depth. Final projects
may be undertaken by teams. Possible topics include:
- Create an application in Rust that leverages or illuminates
virtualization, concurrency, or persistence.
- Create a Rust application that runs under Redox.
- Modify or extend Redox.
- Write documentation for elements of Redox that are not yet documented.
- Friday, April 7: Final project proposal (20 points):
- Project goals
- Roles/responsibilities
- Plan to achieve project goals
- Submit a PDF document and deliver an oral presentation
- Friday, April 14 & April 21: Progress reports (20 points each)
- Current status of goals
- Demonstrations of functionality if applicable
- Any necessary revisions to plans/goals
- Submit a PDF document and deliver an oral presentation
- Monday, May 1: Final report (140 points)
- Final status of each goal
- Demonstrations of functionality if applicable.
- Submit a PDF document and deliver an oral presentation