Python 3.5.2+ (default, Sep 22 2016, 12:18:14) [GCC 6.2.0 20160927] on linux Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> help(str.find) Help on method_descriptor: find(...) S.find(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found, such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return -1 on failure. >>> ====== RESTART: /home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/ ====== Welcome to the box-o-matic! Enter your box dimensions and I will do the rest! Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: 2 Please enter the width of the box in furlongs: 3 Please enter the depth of the box in furlongs: 5 The volume of your box is 30 cubic furlongs. The surface area is 62 square furlongs. The body diagonal is 6.164414002968976 furlongs. >>> ====== RESTART: /home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/ ====== Welcome to the box-o-matic! Enter your box dimensions and I will do the rest! Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: 2 Please enter the width of the box in furlongs: 3 Please enter the depth of the box in furlongs: 4 The volume of your box is 24 cubic furlongs. The surface area is 52 square furlongs. The body diagonal is 5.385164807134504 furlongs. >>> ====== RESTART: /home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/ ====== Welcome to the box-o-matic! Enter your box dimensions and I will do the rest! Welcome to the box-o-matic! Enter your box dimensions and I will do the rest! Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: ====== RESTART: /home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/ ====== Welcome to the box-o-matic! Enter your box dimensions and I will do the rest! Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: kjehrf Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: kjr Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: kh Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: lfj Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: 3 Please enter the width of the box in furlongs: 2 Please enter the depth of the box in furlongs: 1 The volume of your box is 6 cubic furlongs. The surface area is 22 square furlongs. The body diagonal is 3.7416573867739413 furlongs. >>> ====== RESTART: /home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/ ====== Welcome to the box-o-matic! Enter your box dimensions and I will do the rest! Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: lj That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: jf That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: erij That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: 3 Please enter the width of the box in furlongs: 3 Please enter the depth of the box in furlongs: 3 The volume of your box is 27 cubic furlongs. The surface area is 54 square furlongs. The body diagonal is 5.196152422706632 furlongs. >>> ====== RESTART: /home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/ ====== Welcome to the box-o-matic! Enter your box dimensions and I will do the rest! Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: fg That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: eig That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: erguhergoiehrg That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: 45 Please enter the width of the box in furlongs: 23 Please enter the depth of the box in furlongs: 2 The volume of your box is 2070 cubic furlongs. The surface area is 2342 square furlongs. The body diagonal is 50.57667446560717 furlongs. >>> ====== RESTART: /home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/ ====== Welcome to the box-o-matic! Enter your box dimensions and I will do the rest! Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: kejrg That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: kjehrg That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: 1 Please enter the width of the box in furlongs: rf That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the width of the box in furlongs: erf That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the width of the box in furlongs: erf That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the width of the box in furlongs: erf That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the width of the box in furlongs: 5 Please enter the depth of the box in furlongs: ierj That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the depth of the box in furlongs: 5 The volume of your box is 25 cubic furlongs. The surface area is 70 square furlongs. The body diagonal is 7.14142842854285 furlongs. >>> ====== RESTART: /home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/ ====== Welcome to the box-o-matic! Enter your box dimensions and I will do the rest! Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: 2 Please enter the width of the box in furlongs: 3 Please enter the depth of the box in furlongs: 4 The volume of your box is 24 cubic furlongs. The surface area is 52 square furlongs. The body diagonal is 5.385164807134504 furlongs. >>> ====== RESTART: /home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/ ====== Welcome to the box-o-matic! Enter your box dimensions and I will do the rest! Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: -3 That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/", line 58, in main() File "/home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/", line 44, in main height = int_input("Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: ") File "/home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/", line 21, in int_input input_str = input(prompt_str) File "/usr/lib/python3.5/idlelib/", line 1386, in readline line = self._line_buffer or KeyboardInterrupt >>> help(str.isint) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in help(str.isint) AttributeError: type object 'str' has no attribute 'isint' >>> ====== RESTART: /home/brent/teaching/150/lectures/S17/ ====== Welcome to the box-o-matic! Enter your box dimensions and I will do the rest! Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: xyz That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: -uih That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: +34 That is not an integer. Try again. Please enter the height of the box in furlongs: -34 Please enter the width of the box in furlongs: 3 Please enter the depth of the box in furlongs: 23 The volume of your box is -2346 cubic furlongs. The surface area is -1630 square furlongs. The body diagonal is 41.15823125451335 furlongs. >>>