CSCI 151 Lab 10: Binary Search Trees


In this lab, we will implement a few key methods of binary search trees.

Step 1: Setup

Download and, which we started in lecture.

Step 2: find (iterative)

Write a BinarySearchTree method

public E find (E elt)

which finds the given element and returns it, or returns null if the given element is not found. It should work via iteration, that is, using a while loop.

Step 3: find (recursive)

Now write find again, but using recursion: write

public E findR (E elt)

which finds the given element recursively.

Step 4: insert

Write a method

public void insert (E elt)

which inserts a new element into the proper place in a binary search tree.

Step 4: remove

Finally, write a method

public E remove (E elt)

These notes from lab explain how remove should work: